
Sunrise over Himalaya

Sunrise approaching

When in Nepal jump at the chance to spend a night in Nagarkot. If only for the glorious sunrise over the Himalayas. Wake up at 5.30 am and wait for it. It’s spectacular. Other than that Nagarkot is a good place to spend a few days hiking and enjoying nature close to the capital city. Facilities are good and the food palatable.

Very early morning

PS They say that just before sunrise the sky turns a shade of pink. Didn’t see it but then again, I wasn’t fully awake.

Like totally


A thousand words

As today was a full day of sightseeing and I was in awe most of the time, no small talk just photos. As they say: a picture tells a thousand words! Word!

A place that rings a bell

Towards someone's courtyard

Nice entrance to a block of flats

My turn next

Glorious Patan

Kite down!

Love, actually

All brands, nice bottles

Cheap and healthy

Lady and rice

And that's a pig, my friends!

Durbar Square in Bakhtapur

Finally - the Himalayas from Nagarkot

Tomorrow – Chitwan: jungle, elephants and the elusive tiger. And to all a good night!


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