
Rolf Potts: it’s better to be rich in time than money

vagDaca pe Cosmin de la Cassa Loco il cunoaste toata lumea, despre Rolf Potts, celalalt invitat de la Interviurile lui Razvan, trebuie sa va spun cateva cuvinte. A fost profesorul meu de travel writing la Academia Americana din Paris si este unul dintre cei mai respectati scriitori de travel din lume la ora actuala. Scrie pentru National Geographic Traveler, Conde Nast Traveler, The New York Times Magazine, The Believer sau The Guardian dar si pentru site-uri de profil precum sau Biografia lui completa o gasiti aici. Cand nu calatoreste prin toata lumea il gasiti acasa, la o ferma din Kansas.

Prima carte a lui Rolf se numeste Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel. Cea de-a doua si cea mai recenta este Marco Polo Didn’t Go There (Stories and Revelations from One Decade as a Postmodern Travel Writer). In prezent Rolf lucreaza la o carte despre America de Sud si Caraibe. In 2008 a fost prezentatorul emisiunii American Piligrim de pe Travel Channel. Cred ca e o persoana cool si v-ati bucura sa-l cunoasteti.

What are the places in the world that offer the cheapest cost of living and the most attractive lifestyle?
Typically the cheaper countries are in the developing world. Southeast Asia is a great place to travel and live, in terms of cost and attractions. I lived in Thailand when I was writing my first book, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a good place to start in that part of the world. Malaysia and Indonesia also make great destinations in that part of the world — and if you’re willing to get a little more off the beaten path, Laos, Cambodia, Burma and the Philippines are also great destinations. India is also a fantastic value.
Elsewhere in the world, the Middle East makes a nice, inexpensive destination. I am especially fond of Egypt, which has good prices and amazing destinations. Elsewhere, Latin American countries like Ecuador, Peru, Panama, and Nicaragua are also good travel bargains. (more…)

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